Causes Of Stretch Marks: What Causes and treatment For Stretch Marks - Healthorganise

What Causes Stretch Marks

Causes Of Stretch Marks: What Causes and treatment For Stretch Marks

Stretch marks or striae (singular stria) as it is called in dermatology, a type of colorless stretch marks that occur on the skin. It is caused by the tearing of the skin and over time it diminishes but does not disappear completely.

Stretch marks are often caused by rapid growth of the skin, including skin growth (common in puberty) or weight gain (eg pregnancy, muscle building or obesity rapidly) or in some cases excessive stretch of the skin that increases skin flexibility. Overcomes Stretch marks are affected by hormonal changes that occur due to puberty, pregnancy, muscle building, hormone replacement for transsexuality, etc. [1] The medical terminology for these types of signs includes Stre atrophic, Varzatures, Streya By Distensa, Stre cutis, Distensa, Stre gravidarum (in cases where it is caused by pregnancy), Inia include atrophicae, Linea albicante, or simply straight.

Causes Of Stretch Marks

There are several reasons for the promotion of stretch marks: After a study on 324 women, it was found that after giving birth in women below the appropriate age of motherhood, whose body mass is high, 15 kg (31 lb) weight There are many different reasons that cause stretch marks, such as being overweight and having a newborn weight at birth. Adolescents are at highest risk of severe stretch marks.

Glucocorticoid hormones are responsible for the development of stretch that affects the epithelium by preventing fibroblasts from producing collagen and allastin fibers that are required to tighten the skin. It reduces the auxiliary material, which causes skin dilation and increases the tearing of the skin and the skin.

The skin starts to crack when it is forced to stretch more. Hormonal changes and genetic forces, as well as food and [possibly] exercise, affect the skin's ability to withstand.

Symptoms Of Stretch Marks

They first appear as red or purple lines, but gradually fade in color. The affected areas appear empty and feel soft to touch.

Stretch marks occur on the skin, the flexible middle layer helps to maintain the shape of the skin. Any type of stretch marks do not last long because the skin heals itself. The role of stretch is more where the scars are and the direction they are going. Stretch is not the only reason.

Stretch marks can appear in any part of the body but most commonly appear in the part where there is a large amount of fat deposition. The most common places include the abdomen (especially near the navel), breast, upper arm, under arm, back, thigh (both internally and externally), waist, and buttock. It does not pose any health hazard nor does the body's functionality have to be compromised and in general it recovers on its own.

Prevention and removal

75% and 90% of women have some degree of stretch marks during pregnancy. Stretches usually occur as a result of pregnancy due to constant hormone levels that appear during the sixth or seventh month, mainly during the trimester, when the force of the skin is highest.

A German research team tested it using massage and cream and found that only one-third of women developed stretch marks with this treatment, while two-thirds of women in the untreated control group developed stretch marks, but it It is not clear whether this study was a double-blind study.

Whether this oil or cream can prevent the development of stretch is being tested randomly on this study. This study found that a cream (tropholastin) containing gotu kola essence, vitamin E and collagen hydrolysates mixed with low stretch marks during pregnancy. In another study, a cream (VERM) containing vitamin E, panthenol, hyaluronic acid, elastin, and menthol was investigated, although which lacked experimental drug control. Which is related to low stretch marks during pregnancy that do not require any treatment.

Another randomized trial was conducted with cocoa butter on 300 women under a clinical drug-controlled double-blind study. The result was that 44% of women using cocoa butter had stretch marks after pregnancy, while 55% used a prescription drug, but this difference was not significant in statistics.

A variety of treatments are available for the improvement of stretch marks, including laser treatments, skin abrasions, and chemical prescriptions. [Citation needed] Some cream manufacturers have claimed to have recently achieved the best results on stretch marks ; However, few studies have supported these claims.

A study in the journal Dermatologic Surgery showed that a 585 nm laser pulsed dye combined with radiofrequency resulted in "good and very good" treatment with subjective improvements in stretch marks in 33 of 37 patients, although this was further The results of the study must be followed. In addition, skin dyeing leads to darker skin color by repeated laser pulsed treatments.

The laser will not be able to remove stretch marks if the dermis and dermis enter inside.

Stomach marks can be removed by a tummy tuck surgical procedure, it will erase the scars under the navel where it is most commonly found.

A new instrument, Fractional Laser Resurfacing, offers a novel approach to the treatment of stretch. The scar is treated by laser using only a fraction of the scattered light grains, which is above many treatments. This creates microscopic wounds. The body responds to each treatment by creating new collagen and epithelium. In a clinical trial in 2007, 5-6 treatments resulted in over 75 percent improvement of stretch marks. A 2007 Brazilian clinical study showed that fractional laser resurfacing results in both skin texture and maturity, white. Improves skin I-IV.

In a study recently published in the Journal of Dermatological Treatment, seventeen women were treated with new means of stretch marks by six weeks. The results showed that 38.2% and 11.8% of patients improved 25–50% and 51–75% after one week after the last (sixth) treatment. The long-term effect of treatment was confirmed after 6 weeks, which showed that improvement in stretch marks was seen in higher percentage patients, including 51–75% and> 75% in 26.5% and 5.9% of patients, respectively. There were none of the participants whose clinical signs of stretch marks were not reported. Patient satisfaction was also measured and it was found that 65% of the patients reported that they were very satisfied with the treatment, 23% were satisfied and 12% were less satisfied.

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