Fungal Skin Infection Treatment At Home - Healthorganise

Fungal Skin Infection

Fungal Skin Infection Treatment At Home

Fungal infections can occur in any part of the body, such as between the fingers, on the head, on hands, in hair, in the mouth, or in other parts of the body. It is contagious and can easily spread through an infected object or person. You will be surprised to know that fungus can be found anywhere such as air, water, soil. In this article of Stylecrase, we will talk about fungal infection. Along with knowing its cause, we will also know what its symptoms are and how to treat fungal infections.

Let us first tell you what a fungal infection is.

What is Fungal Infection

Fungal Skin Infection Treatment At Home

Fungal infection is a type of infection that occurs when a fungus attacks any part of the body. This infection can weaken your immunity. Fungal infections can range from a small herpes to a life-threatening infection. It can occur anywhere on your body, in hair, on nails, in the private parts, mouth or throat.

After knowing what a fungal infection is, let us tell you about the symptoms and types of fungal infection.

Types of fungal infections and their symptoms

There are four types of fungal infections, which we are going to tell you further. The symptoms of these four types of fungal infections are also different.

1. Nail Fungal Infections

This type of fungal infection is also seen in the nails, which is also known as onychomycosis. It often occurs in the fingernails of the feet, rather than on the hands. Also, it can occur between two fingers, also called athlete's foot. They are easy to identify. Here we are showing some symptoms, with the help of which you can know that you have a nail fungal infection.

Symptoms of nail fungal infection:

  • Nail color change (yellow, brown or white)
  • Thick nails
  • Broken or cracked nails

2. Fungal Skin Infection

Fungal skin infections, also known as ringworm, often occur in the spheroid. This is the reason why they are also called ringworm. This fungal infection causes red and itchy rashes on the skin. This fungal skin infection can occur in your hands, feet, genitals or scalp. It is said that there are 40 types of fungus, which can cause fungal skin infections. Let us also know its symptoms, which are as follows.

Symptoms of fungal skin infection:

  • itchy skin
  • Red and round rashes
  • Red, crusted and chapped skin
  • hair fall

3. Yeast infection

It is caused by a type of fungus, called Candida. Candida is present in different parts of our body like mouth, throat, intestine and vagina without any harm. Sometimes the number of Candida inside the vagina begins to increase and it can cause infection (7). In this stage, the suffering woman may have to face many types of problems. This infection can be identified as follows:

Symptoms of yeast fungal infection:

  • Itching or pain in the genitals
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Pain or discomfort while urinating
  • Unusual discharge from the genitals

4. Candida infection in the mouth, throat or food system

This infection is also caused by Candida fungus. When the number of Candida increases in the mouth, throat, or esophagus, it can turn into an infection. Candida infection of the mouth and throat is also called thrush or oropharyngeal candidiasis (oropharyngeal candidiasis). This problem is common in people infected with AIDS or HIV (8). In this, the patient may have to suffer excruciating pain.

Symptoms of Candida infection:

  • Redness or sourness in mouth
  • Swelling in the mouth (feeling like cotton)
  • Don't know the taste of anything
  • Pain while eating or swallowing
  • Redness and redness at the corners of the mouth
  • White plaque on inner cheeks, tongue, roof of mouth and throat

Learn the reasons for fungal infection in the next part of the article.

Causes and Risk Factors of Fungal Infections

The reasons for fungal infection can also vary. Some of these reasons may also be common. Let us introduce you to these reasons.

1. Causes of nail fungal infection

Many times, due to cracks in the nail, the fungus enters your nail. This can cause infection. It can happen to anyone. Know below some reasons for this -

  • Nail injury or surgery
  • diabetes
  • Weak Immunity
  • Blood circulation problem
  • Athlete's foot (Ringworm in the foot)

2. Causes of fungal skin infection

Fungal skin infection can spread in different ways. The following points can be the cause of fungal skin infection:

  • It can spread through such items, which contain the remains of an infected person, such as comb, unclothes, etc.

  • This can also happen due to exposure to fungus-affected pets such as dog, cat, cow, goat, horse or pig.

  • People who sweat excessively can also spread this fungal infection.

3. Causes of yeast infection

According to one report, about 70 percent of women get this infection at least once in their lifetime. Here let us tell that yeast is in the body of every woman. When its levels are unbalanced, it can take the form of infection. The points mentioned below may be due to:

Antibiotic use

  • Oral contraceptive use
  • diabetes
  • Pregnancy
  • Change in menstrual cycle
  • Common diseases, such as iron deficiency and weak immunity
  • Eczema

4. Candida infection in the mouth, throat or food system

It is common in the newborn, especially in a month or younger. Apart from this, it can also happen due to some of the following reasons:

  • If you wear dentures (dentures).
  • diabetes
  • Cancer
  • HIV / AIDS
  • If you are taking any type of antibiotic or medicine, that makes your mouth dry.
  • By smoking
After giving reasons for fungal infection, now know how you can treat fungal infection at home.

Home Remedies for Fungal Infection

Here we are telling some such remedies, with the help of which fungal infection can be easily overcome. These treatments are not only effective, but also not expensive. Let us know how these home remedies work.

1. Garlic


  • Two to three garlic buds
  • Two to three teaspoons of organic coconut oil


  • Grate garlic buds.
  • Add the grated Lasahun to coconut oil.
  • Then heat this oil on the gas for four to five minutes.
  • After this, cool off and filter the oil after removing it from the gas.
  • Now apply oil on the infected area and leave it well.
  • Repeat this process daily for quick relief.

How it works:

Talking about fungal infection remedy, garlic is very beneficial. It has anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties, which can help relieve infection by fighting fungus.

2. Tea Tree Oil


  • Two to three drops of tea tree oil
  • One tablespoon coconut oil


  • First of all, dry the affected skin with a clean cotton cloth or cotton.
  • Then mix two to three drops of tea tree oil in one tablespoon of coconut oil.
  • Now apply this mixture on the infected skin and leave it.
  • This remedy can be repeated one to two times daily.

How it works:

T-tree oil has antiseptic, anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties, which can serve to treat fungal infections.

3. Coconut Oil


  • One to two teaspoon organic coconut oil
  • Cottle Ball


  • First of all, dry the affected skin with the help of a cotle ball.
  • Now apply the oil on the fungal infected skin with the help of a second cotter ball.
  • Apply oil two to three times daily to get quick results.

How it works:

According to a research, coconut oil is rich in anti-fungal properties, which may be beneficial in treating fungal infections.

Benefits of Coconut water for skin

4. Yogurt


  • Two tablespoons of yogurt
  • One tablespoon honey


  • Mix yogurt and honey in a bowl.
  • Now apply this paste on the infected skin.
  • This process can be repeated twice a day.
  • Also, consume one bowl of yogurt daily.

How it works:

According to a research, yogurt and honey work effectively to treat ayurvedic of fungal infections. They reduce the itching, pain, and redness caused by fungal infections (15). In addition, yogurt is found to contain Lactobacillus, whose anti-fungal properties may act to fight fungal infections (16). However, further research is still needed on this topic.

5. Apple Vinegar


  • A spoonful of apple vinegar
  • Half a cup of water
  • Cotton


  • Mix one spoon of apple vinegar in half a cup of water.
  • Apply this solution to the infected area with the help of cotton.
  • This process can be repeated twice a day.

How it works:

Apples can be used as a remedy for fungal infections. It has anti-fungal properties, which can serve to relieve fungal infections in all types. It has been considered very beneficial especially for yeast infections and can be used as a fungal infection medicine.

Benefits Of Apple Vinegar

6. Aloe vera


  • Fresh aloe vera gel (as required)


  • Apply fresh aloe vera gel on the infected area.
  • After 20 to 30 minutes, dry the skin by washing it with clean water.

How it works:

Aloe vera has anti-fungal properties, which may play an effective role in Ayurvedic treatment of fungal infections. Additionally, it also has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and cleansing properties, which can show effective effects on fungal infection symptoms such as itching and rashes.

7. Cranberry Juice


  • A glass of cranberry juice


  • Drink one glass of cranberry juice every day.

How it works:

According to research, cranberry juice has anti-fungal properties, which can work to get rid of fungal infections by removing infection-causing fungus. It has been found particularly useful for fungal skin infections.

8. Ginger


  • Two to three pieces of ginger
  • A cup of water
  • Cotton


  • Grind the ginger in a cup of water and boil it well for a while.
  • Now keep this ginger water to cool for a while.
  • Now apply this ginger water on the infected skin with the help of cotton.
  • Repeat this process twice a day until you get complete rest.
  • You can also drink ginger tea if you want.

How it works:

Ginger can serve as a fungal infection medicine. Its anti-fungal properties act to eliminate infection-causing fungi. You can use ginger for cooking.

Benefits of Ginger Tea

9. Olive oil


  • Few drops of olive oil
  • Cotton


  • Apply olive oil well on the affected skin with the help of cotton.
  • Keep in mind that you have to apply oil comfortably.
  • Do this remedy twice a day until you get complete rest.

How it works:

According to research, olive oil has anti-fungal properties, which can easily treat fungal infections.

10. Green Tea


  • One or two green tea bags
  • A cup of hot water
  • Sugar to taste (as per taste)


  • Put the green tea bag in a cup of hot water for a while.
  • Then take out the tea bag and consume tea.
  • You can add some sugar to it to taste.

How it works:

Catechin present in green tea also has anti-fungal properties, which may help in fungal infection treatment (24). In addition, green tea has anti-inflammatory properties, which can act to relieve symptoms of fungal infections such as inflammation (25).

11. Turmeric


  • A spoonful of turmeric
  • Half a teaspoon of water


  • Make a paste by mixing half a teaspoon of water in one teaspoon turmeric powder.
  • Apply this paste on infected skin.
  • After 15 minutes, wash the skin with lukewarm water.
  • This process can be repeated two to three times a day.

How it works:

Turmeric can be used as a fungal infection medicine. Turmeric is found to have anti-microbial properties as well as anti-fungal properties, which can act to remove fungal infections (26).

12. Baking Soda


  • Half cup baking soda
  • A bucket of hot water


  • Add half a cup of baking soda to the water.
  • When the baking soda dissolves well in the water, then let it sit for 15-20 minutes.
  • If you wish, you can also soak a clean cloth in this water and apply it to other affected places.
  • This process can be done once daily.

How it works:

Talking of fungal infection treatment, baking soda can be an effective treatment. Indeed, it is enriched with anti-fungal properties, which can serve to give you quick relief (27). However, further research is still needed on this.

13. Epsom Salt Bath


  • 1 cup Epsom Salt
  • A tub of lukewarm water for bathing


  • Mix one cup of Epsom salt in the bath water.
  • After dissolving well, take a bath for 15-20 minutes with this water.
  • Repeat this process every other day for best results.

How it works:

Epsom salt is also known as magnesium salt. Research on this suggests that it can be used to treat fungal infections. Especially, for athlete's foot. Magnesium salt has anti-inflammatory properties, which can relieve symptoms of fungal infections such as itching, swelling, and burning.

14. Colloidal Silver


  • Two drops of colloidal silver solution
  • A glass of juice


  • Add two drops of colloidal silver solution to the juice / smoothie of your choice.
  • If you want, you can drink two drops of it in a glass of water.

How it works:

Colloidal silver is a medicinal solution that can be used as a fungal infection medicine. According to one report, it has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties, which can act against fungal infection.

15. Guava Leaves


  • 10-12 guava leaves
  • Water


  • Put guava leaves in a pan of water and boil it for 15-20.
  • When the time is up, sieve the water and keep it for a while to cool down.
  • Now clean the infected skin thoroughly with the help of a clean cloth.
  • You can also use this water for bathing if you want.
  • This remedy can be done once daily.

How it works:

Guava leaves can treat ayurvedic treatment of fungal infections. It has anti-fungal properties, which treat fungal infections by fighting infection-causing fungus (31).

16. Neem Leaves


  • 10-12 Neem Leaves
  • Water


  • Keep heating the water in a pan and put neem leaves in it.
  • When the leaves boil well in water, turn them into gas.
  • Filter the water and separate the leaves and keep the water to cool down.
  • After getting cold, apply neem water on the infected skin with the help of cotton.
  • This remedy can be done once to twice daily.

How it works:

You will be well aware of the properties of neem. Its anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-septic properties can easily perform the job of Ayurvedic treatment of fungal infections.

After knowing the treatment of fungal infection, let us know what kind of precautions should be avoided during this time.

What to eat and what not to eat in fungal infections

To get relief from illness or infection, it is important that you consume certain foods and avoid eating certain foods. Let us tell you what foods you should take while treating fungal infection.

What to eat:

Fatty acids: Include foods in your diet that are rich in fatty acids. They have anti-bacterial properties, which can fight infection-causing fungus. For fatty acids, you can consume the following foods in limited quantities-

  • Walnut
  • Sal-man
  • Leafy vegetables
  • blueberry
  • Soybean

Coconut Oil: Instead of any other oil, use coconut oil for cooking. We have been told about its properties as a fungal infection medicine. Including it in your diet can help you get quick relief from fungal skin infections.

Probiotic supplements: Including probiotic supplements in the diet can give you quick relief from fungal skin infections. In addition, probiotic supplements have been shown to be beneficial in relieving chronic inflammatory and disease-resistant diseases. You can get plenty of probiotics from the following foods:

  • curd
  • Buttermilk

What to avoid:

Sugar diet: According to research, it is not considered safe to take high sugar diet while treating fungal infections. A high amount of sugar in the blood increases the amount of fungus and the risk of infection.

Carbohydrates: Excess carbohydrates in the diet can also cause harm. Excess of carbohydrates in the body can increase Candida fungus.

Gluten: Avoid eating foods that contain high amounts of gluten. Excess of gluten in the diet may increase the risk of fungal infection.

Learn how you can avoid fungal infection in the next part of the article.

Prevention of fungal infections - Prevention Tips for Fungal Infection

By keeping a few things in mind, you can avoid fungal infection. Let us show you ways to avoid fungal infection.

  • Take a bath every day and wear clean clothes. It is very important to keep yourself clean to keep fungus away.

  • Do not stay in sweaty clothes for long. Wear clean and dry inner wear every day and change clothes even after exercising.

  • Keep feet clean and dry and stay away from sweaty shoes and socks.

  • Change your clothes immediately after swimming. Staying in wet clothes for a long time increases the risk of fungal infection.

  • Always wear slippers in a public bathroom or toilet.

  • Eat a balanced diet and exercise daily. This will keep your immunity and your body will get strength to fight fungus.

Keeping these preventive measures in mind, you can avoid fungal infection to a great extent.

Now you must have understood what can be done to treat and avoid fungal infections. Also, never ignore the symptoms of a fungal infection, as a fungal infection can take a serious form in the event of negligence. If the infection is not cured by the prescribed measures and precautions, then you must go to the doctor for treatment of fungal infection. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can tell us by writing in the comment box below.

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