15 Best Home Remedies For Headache - Healthorganise

15 Best Natural Remedies For Headache

15 Best Home Remedies For Headache

Nowadays everyone has less time and more work. In such a situation, people do not pay attention to their health and as a result the body becomes the home of small diseases. Even though these diseases seem normal, they later take serious forms. Headache is also one of these diseases. Many times the headache increases so much that people start taking headache medicine. Later these medicines have a bad effect. Therefore, it is better to take home remedies for headache than taking medication. Today in this article we are telling you the causes of headache and home remedies for headache.

What is Headache

Before knowing the remedies for headache, it is important to know what is a headache and what are its symptoms? Headache is a problem associated with the nervous system and neck of the human being. Usually when you go through some emotional or physical stress, this problem comes as a physical reaction. In such a situation, not only the head, but also neck and back pain starts. Headache is a very common problem nowadays, but it can also increase if not taken care of during the time.

In this article, we are telling you different types of headaches, which you will be able to know about the right home treatment.

Types Of Headache

Now is the time to know the type of headache. Not all headaches require a doctor and medical attention, and it is not necessary that all headaches are normal. Therefore, we are discussing below some types of headaches.

1. tension headache

This is the most commonly occurring headache. In such a headache, one feels intense pain on both sides of his head, as if someone is pressing on both sides with a rubber band in the head. Due to such headache, the muscles of neck and shoulders become very stiff and feel swollen.

Cause: This type of pain is caused by stress, lack of sleep or head injury.

Note: Tension headache can also occur due to exposure to cold air. When winter comes and cold air moves or when exposed to air-condition, when air is applied to your neck and head, it can also cause headache. Physiotherapy can be quite beneficial in tension headaches.

2. Migraine

The pain in migraine is on one side of the head, which is also called migraines. In this headache, the patient may suffer from nausea, vomiting and light headness. In this, the patient feels pain in the head like pricking something.

Cause: This headache can be caused by strong aroma, change in sleeping posture, change in hormones, alcohol consumption, stress or loud voice.

Note: Apart from this, this headache also occurs due to consumption of certain foods, such as chocolate, dairy products, groundnut and citrus fruits.

3. Cluster Headache

This type of headache is intense and painful. Cluster headaches can occur several times a day, but do not last long. Sometimes it starts at any one time, like - if it started in the morning, then it will be for some time every morning. This pain can occur on one side of the head and one eye, as it also affects any nerve on the face.

Reason: It can be caused by heat, exhaustion, smoking, alcohol consumption and excessive or strong light.

4. Sinus Headache

Pain in the sinus is felt in the front of the head and on the face. This type of headache occurs when there is sinus cavity in the cheeks, nose, head and eyes. This headache becomes more acute when a person wakes up or tilts his head after waking up in the morning.

Cause: This headache occurs when it is cold, cold winds blow, there is cold, cold, fever, dust and soil pollution or any infection.

After knowing the type of headache, it is important that you also know the cause of the headache.

Causes of Headache 

Above we have described four types of headaches. Now let us know what are the main causes of headache. Below we are telling you about some common, but serious reasons, which you have rarely noticed.

  • Tension
  • Head injury
  • Being hungry
  • Loudly
  • In bright light
  • Cold air
  • Over hot
  • Due to hormonal changes
  • Migraine, sinus-like illness
  • Lack of sleep
  • From exhaustion
  • Fever or chills
  • Having eye problems
  • Longer than talking on the phone
  • Having a serious illness
  • Exposure to dust or soil or pollution
  • Working on TV, computer or laptop for long
  • Not taking essential nutrients

Home Remedies for Headache

These were some of the reasons that cause headache. In such a situation, if repeated headache medication is taken, it is not good for health. In such a situation, it is important that you take some measures that do not affect your health and your headache will also be cured. (headache treatment at home) Therefore, below we are telling you the home remedies for headache, which will not only give you relief in headache, but also will not have any bad effect on you.

1. cold or hot fomentation

Many times a cold or heat causes a headache. In such a situation, it is best to take home remedies for headache. Fomentation is one of those treatments.


Pieces of ice
Hot water
Ice bag
Hot water bag

How to use

If you have a headache during the summer, fill the ice pieces in ice bags and place them on your forehead, neck and back for 10 to 15 minutes.
If you do not have an ice bag, tie the ice cubes in a cloth and keep it on the sore area for a while.
If you have a headache during cold days, then you can lukewarm water and put it in a hot water bag and bake it.

If there is no hot water bag, soak a towel or clean cloth in hot water and bake it on the painful area.

How beneficial?

Headache occurs when your head muscles and blood vessels begin to constrict. In such a situation, the muscles and blood vessels get relief due to contracting. This normalizes blood flow and reduces inflammation, which reduces pain. Cold fomentation is more beneficial in migraine headaches. Also some headaches require a hot fomentation, when taking a hot fomentation, the blood flow increases and pain starts to subside.

2. Ginger


Four small ginger pieces
Three cups of water


Boil water in a pot.
Grind the ginger pieces and put them in boiling water.
Now cover this boiling water for a while.
Sieve the mixture after a while and drink it hot.
You can consume one or two cups of this mixture in a day.

How beneficial?

Although ginger can reduce headache, but it is most effective in migraine. Apart from this, it also reduces the discomfort of nausea. This home remedy can cure headaches in a short time.

Note: Excessive consumption of ginger can also harm you. Therefore, consume it in limited quantity.

3. Basil

Basil has been known for its medicinal properties over the years. Basil is very beneficial not only for colds, but also for headaches.


One or two drops of basil oil
One or two teaspoons of other oil that suits you (carrier oil)

How to use

Mix basil oil with other oil.
Now apply this oil mixture on the forehead and neck with the help of cotton or fingers.
Then leave it for a few hours.
This will give you comfort.
It can be applied every few hours if there is more pain.

How beneficial?

This oil removes tension and stiffness in your muscles. Applying it in a painful place will give you some relief. Its anti-microbial properties relieve headache. It is very beneficial for stress and migraine.

4. Mint oil

Along with mint, its oil is also beneficial. Mint oil is very beneficial in headache.


One or two drops of mint oil
A spoonful of olive or coconut oil

How to use

Mix both the oil and massage it on your forehead.
During the pain you keep massaging with this mixture in short intervals.

How beneficial?

This oil will give you relief from pain and make you feel cool. When you apply this oil on your forehead, it will give instant relief from headache. It prevents muscle contraction by increasing blood circulation in the brain. It is very beneficial in tension headaches. Mint also contains menthol, which can relieve headaches and is beneficial in migraines.

5. Rosemary Oil

This oil is easily available in the market or online. Below we are showing how to use this oil.


Two to three drops of rosemary oil

How to use

Take the oil on your hands and take it near the mouth and nose.
Then breathe again and again or release or smell the scent of oil.

How beneficial?

Rosemary oil has anti-inflammatory, which relieves headache. It is mild and affects the pain in a short time. This oil can relieve sinus and headaches caused by hormonal changes. Insomnia can also be reduced to a great extent with this oil.

6. Cloves

It is common to work for hours or get a headache due to some stress. In this case, the use of cloves can be beneficial. The use of cloves for toothache is well known, but cloves are also beneficial for headaches. Cloves have miraculous pain-relieving properties.


Some cloves pieces
clove oil
Almond or Coconut Oil

How to use

Tie a clove in a cloth or handkerchief and smell it during pain.
Also, mix one or two teaspoons of clove oil in almond or coconut oil and apply it on the forehead.
In case of severe pain, massage your forehead continuously with this mixture in intervals of few hours.
This will give you relief from headache.

How beneficial?

Clove oil is a effective home remedy for headaches. This is only for a short time, but relieves headache. It is naturally anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, as well as many other nutrients are also present in it. It not only treats headaches, but also reduces stress discomfort.

7. Lavender Oil

The scent of lavender fascinates everyone, but its oil is also very effective. It acts as a panacea for headaches.


One or two teaspoons of lavender oil

How to use

You can use this oil in many ways.
You can smell this oil by applying it on clothes or handkerchiefs.
Massage can be done with this oil on the forehead, neck and back.
You apply this oil before bedtime, so that you get a good sleep.

How beneficial?

Smelling this oil provides a lot of relief in headaches. It contains linalyl acetate and linalool, which reduces headaches. It is quite mild, so this oil can be applied to children and pregnant women as well. It is most effective in migraine. Its captivating fragrance can reduce stress, anxiety, frustration, and sleep deprivation to a great extent.

Note - If you want this oil to have a good effect, you can boil water in a vessel and add a few drops of lavender oil to that boiling water and steam it. This will give you a lot of rest.

8. Chamomile Tea

Whenever there is a headache, tea-coffee is missed first. In such a situation, if chamomile tea is consumed, the headache can be cured to a great extent.


A chamomile tea bag (available in the market or online)
A cup or a glass of hot water

How to make and eat?

Soak the chamomile tea bag in a cup of warm water.
Now add honey as per taste (if you want)
Then mix it well and drink this tea hot.
Try to stay away from noise during a headache.

How beneficial?

Chamomile tea has some properties and compounds that can reduce pain and soothe the brain. It is found in Bisabolol, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. In addition, chamomile oil is also beneficial in migraine.

9. Mint tea

Mint not only enhances the taste of food, it is also beneficial for health. If you have a headache, you can drink mint tea. Below we are telling you the recipe for mint tea.


Some mint leaves
Black Salt
Black pepper


You can boil water in a pot and add mint leaves, black salt and black pepper in boiling water.
Then filter this tea and drink it hot.
How beneficial?

Mint is very cold and its tea can be very effective in headache. The anti-oxidant properties of mint and its menthol (20) can not only relieve headaches, but can also relieve stress and calm the mind. Menthol may also be beneficial in migraine (21).

10. Green-Tea

Nowadays the consumption of green tea has become common. Due to its many benefits and properties, almost everyone is consuming it. Green tea is also very beneficial in headaches.


Green tea leaves or green tea bags

How to create and use?

Pour green tea leaves or green tea bags in one cup of boiling water.
Then filter it and drink it hot.
You can also add a little lemon juice and honey to taste it.
To stay healthy, you can consume two cups of green tea every day.

How beneficial?

The limited amount of caffeine present in green tea improves blood flow to the brain and relieves headache. This not only alleviates headache, but also balances weight, but excessive caffeine intake can also be harmful to health, so consume it in limited quantities (22).

11. Red Chili

If the spices of red chillies start to eat, then the taste of the food increases, but do you know that red chillies can cure your headache too? Yes, you can use cayenne for a headache.


Pinch or half teaspoon red chilli powder
A glass of hot or lukewarm water

How to use

You can prepare a mixture by adding a pinch or half a teaspoon of hot or lukewarm water, as much as you can, chilli powder.
Then drink it.

How beneficial?

Red chilli acts as a pain reliever. It contains a compound called capenicin, which makes chilli pungent. Capanicin also acts to reduce pain (23). In such a situation, if red chillies are consumed, then headache can also be relieved.

12. Sandalwood

Everyone knows that sandalwood enhances the skin, but it is also very beneficial in headaches.


Sandalwood powder
Sandalwood oil

How to use

Make a paste by mixing some sandalwood powder and water.
Then leave this paste on your forehead for a while and wash it after drying.
If you do not want to apply paste, then you can apply sandalwood oil (easily available in the market or online) on your forehead.
You can also smell sandalwood oil.
Apart from this, you can also steam by adding a few drops of sandalwood oil in hot water.

How beneficial?

The scent of sandalwood is quite adorable and it is also cold. In such a situation, if it can be applied during the headache or the scent is taken, then the headache may be reduced. Although, no concrete evidence has been proved yet, its properties have been written in detail in the Indian Puranas.

13. Betel leaves

Many people consume paan after eating, but this betel leaf can also cure your headache.


4 to 5 betel leaves
A few drops of camphor oil

How to use

Grind betel leaves with water and add camphor oil to it.
Now apply this mixture on your forehead and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes.

How beneficial?

Betel leaves have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties (24). It is also cold, which will give you coolness. At the same time, camphor is widely used in pain reliever balms.

14. Acupressure

Acupressure has been a test for many types of pain for centuries. Acupressure also plays a very important role in providing relief from headaches. To get rid of headache, there are some important points in our body, on which pressure has to be given and here we are talking about these points.

Between the eyebrows - the space between the two eyebrows. Simply put, instead of putting a dot.
Below the eyebrows - This place is in the corner of the eye below the eyebrows.
Hand Point - This is the point just between the thumb and the index finger.
Point of foot - the space between the toe and the second finger.

Whenever there is a headache, press these points lightly. Pressure on these points improves blood circulation and reduces stiffness of muscles. Doing this relieves headache. Also relieves stress and migraine.

Caution: If you are pregnant, do not pressurize the point of the hand, because doing so may cause uterine contractions. Also, do the method of acupressure under the supervision of an expert.

15. Coffee

Nowadays almost everyone has become tea and coffee etc. Tea and coffee replenish the body by increasing its energy. Besides, drinking coffee also provides some relief in headache. The caffeine present in coffee is very effective in headaches. Therefore, one can say that caffeine acts as a pain reliever, but its frequent intake can also increase the headache. Therefore, if you consume a limited amount of coffee, you can get a lot of relief in headaches.

Prevention Tips for Headache

Home remedies for headaches, besides eating and yoga are some other habits, which can prevent headaches. Your lifestyle also has a great impact on your health, so it is important that you make some changes in your daily habits and lifestyle. Below we are telling you about some such habits.

1. Complete sleep

Lack of sleep is the number one cause of headache. Nowadays the problem of insomnia is increasing among the people. Due to various types of turmoil and tension in the mind, people stay up late at night. Not sleeping on time and waking up early and then staying asleep all day also causes headaches. Therefore, it is important that you sleep at the right time and get up at the right time.

2. Do not starve

Headache also occurs due to not eating food for a long time or being hungry. In such a situation, eat food at the right time and do not leave the diet for any time.

3. Oil Massage

Do massage the scalp at least once a week. This will not only improve your hair, but you will also avoid headache. You can use any oil of your choice, such as coconut, almond or olive, for massage. Not only on the head, you can massage on the neck and shoulders as well. This will give you comfort.

4. Meditation

Along with yoga and exercise, meditation is also necessary. Whenever you get time, meditate for a while. Meditation during morning and evening is more beneficial. This will not only reduce stress, but will also keep the mind calm.

5. Sleeping and sitting in the correct posture

Correct sleeping and sitting posture are also very important. Therefore, while sleeping try to sleep without a pillow. Even if you are using a pillow, it is neither too tall nor too thick. Also, when you sit in a chair, keep in mind that your spine should be straight.

6. Do not take headache medication immediately

Many people have a habit of taking medication even in mild headache and then gradually they get used to it. In such a situation, it is important to first know the reason for the headache and then do some home remedies accordingly. If still not well then get a doctor examined, but do not take medicines by yourself.

7. Stay away from noise

Do not listen to music too loudly and if you are using headphones, do not make the sound too loud. Excessive noise can also cause headache problems.

8. Distance from TV, phone, computer or laptop

If you are into watching TV, then you should decide a limited time for watching TV, rather than watching TV all day. Keep the phone away from you before sleeping at night and do not use the phone at that time. If you are working in the office, do not constantly sit in front of the laptop or computer, but take a break for a while.

Now before taking headache medicine, see the difference by adopting the home remedies given above and share your experiences with us in the comment box below. Also, keep in mind that if your headache is frequent and frequent, see a doctor immediately. Always remember that your health is in your hands. Therefore, never be negligent in the matter of your health.

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  1. Hi nice Articles and very much informative. Thanks for share this information.

